When Little Man was diagnosed with food allergies, my first reaction was to be happy that we knew what was causing his problems and could easily fix them. My second was what the heck am I going to do with all the milk in my freezer that he can't have. Well, it took me about two months to find somewhere to donate it, get the blood test, and get all the other approvals like doctor's signatures, phone interviews, and more but I finally shipped all the milk down to the Mother's Milk Bank in Austin, TX. They were fabulous to deal with and it's a good feeling knowing that all that milk will go to help premature and/or sick babies. Milk donation is really something that should get more attention. I couldn't help but post a picture of all that milk on it's way out the door. With the dry ice, it was a total of about 70 pounds! And there's another 250 ounces in the freezer already that are safe for Little Man. I may find myself donating even more...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sick Little Man = Extra Milk (Weekly Tally)
I haven't posted in a few days because my Little Man was really sick. He had a fever and threw up all over his dad. It was lovely. We also kept him home from daycare for a few days. It's the first time he's really been sick. Fortunately, he perked back up yesterday afternoon and we expect him to be fine this morning. While he was sick though, he was drinking about 5 ounces less milk each day so we have an abundant surplus this week. My average per day also went up for the first time in about a month. Not by much, but I'll take. And, I finally got approved to donate all the milk that Little Man can't have because of his allergies so I'm excited about that. I'll post more once I pack it all up to ship.
Total Pumped: 238.5
Total Used: 273.5
Surplus: 35
Average Per Day: 39.07
Total Pumped: 238.5
Total Used: 273.5
Surplus: 35
Average Per Day: 39.07
Exclusively Pumping,
Today's Tally
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Betty Crocker Gluten Free Yellow Cake
The last of the Betty Crocker Gluten Free mixes. This one is the yellow cake and we made cupcakes. Like the chocolate ones, they are fantastic. I used the rest of the Betty Crocker Milk Chocolate frosting. I still don't know what happened to the Brownies. I must have measured something wrong. My husband things I used the wrong powder to water ratio for the egg replacer. He might be right so we'll have to try them again. Other than that, I highly recommend the Betty Crocker mizes. The cookie and cake mixes were delicious even with the egg replacer and I have a feeling we'll be making them often. You could bring all of these to an event with non-GF/allergy people and they wouldn't even know they're gluten free.
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free
Monday, July 27, 2009
Where is it going?! (Weekly Tally)
My milk supply has been decreasing for the past few weeks and I have no idea why. I'm drinking enough, eating extra, and getting enough sleep and nothing seems to help. I've gone from 43 ounces a day to about 38. I'm still outpacing Little Man by a few ounces but it's frustrating. Fortunately, he's now eating some solid food although a few ounces of rice cereal or a veggie doesn't really have many calories anyway. But, at least we're on our way to me not being his only food source. He's doing very well so far with the food. We've tried rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and carrots and he sits nicely and eats very well. I've been making my own baby food which is surprisingly easy. We put a Cuisinart hand blender and I highly recommend it. Yesterday I made peas for him. I put the frozen peas in the container that comes with the blender, added some water, microwaved them, drained them a little, and then blended them. Aside from the time in the microwave, it took less than 5 minutes and made about 6 meals for him. Very easy and much cheaper than buying the little jars.
Total Pumped: 249
Total Used: 272.25
Surplus: 23.25
Average Per Day: 38.89
Total Pumped: 249
Total Used: 272.25
Surplus: 23.25
Average Per Day: 38.89
Exclusively Pumping,
Today's Tally
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Betty Crocker Gluten Free Chocolate Cake
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free,
Nut Allergy
Monday, July 20, 2009
Should we test everyone for celiac disease?
A new study by the mayo clinic found that celiac disease is far more prevalent today than it was 50 years ago and that those with undiagnosed celiac disease are more likely to die earlier. It raises the question of whether we should be testing everyone for celiac disease like we do for cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Here's the link to information about the study:
As someone who struggled for my entire childhood and into my early twenties, I believe we should test everyone for celiac disease. It should be part of our preventive care. It may not be a yearly test like cholesterol but maybe it could be something we test every five years or whatever length of time seems appropriate. I can think of several people off the top of my head that I'm fairly sure have undiagnosed celiac disease. I know for some the diet is a huge challenge but I choose to look at it as such an simple way to be well. Could people avoid other autoimmune diseases, infertility, and just missing out on life if we could identify celiac disease earlier?
As someone who struggled for my entire childhood and into my early twenties, I believe we should test everyone for celiac disease. It should be part of our preventive care. It may not be a yearly test like cholesterol but maybe it could be something we test every five years or whatever length of time seems appropriate. I can think of several people off the top of my head that I'm fairly sure have undiagnosed celiac disease. I know for some the diet is a huge challenge but I choose to look at it as such an simple way to be well. Could people avoid other autoimmune diseases, infertility, and just missing out on life if we could identify celiac disease earlier?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Rethinking Pumping as the Ultimate Weight Loss Plan (Weekly Tally)
I posted before about how I've lost more weight than I gained when I was pregnant. This is supposed to be a good thing. But, after losing another pound this week, I seem to be losing about an ounce a day for each pound I lose. My all time high was 44 ounces a day and now I'm down to a little over 39. Little Man drinks about 36 oz a day. I'm still ahead of him but this doesn't leave me with much of a cushion. I'm still pumping on the same schedule that I've been on for the past two months and I even increased how long I pump lately since I'm not getting as much but that hasn't really made a difference. So, my husband and I decided that I may just need to stay a little plump to maintain my production. Ah, the things we do for our kids.
Part of why I've been losing weight is because of the foods we can't have. Before we found out about Little Man's allergies I would eat trail mix with nuts or hard boiled eggs or gluten free cookies as sources of protein and fat but I can't do that anymore and I don't think I replaced those snacks with anything except fruit. Great plan for losing weight, not so great for milk production. We bought me whole milk (I usually use skim) and cheese to see if that makes a difference. I'll keep you posted if this week's tally goes up. Here's the stats for last week:
Total Pumped: 278.75
Total Used: 252
Surplus: 26.75
Average Per Day: 39.82
Part of why I've been losing weight is because of the foods we can't have. Before we found out about Little Man's allergies I would eat trail mix with nuts or hard boiled eggs or gluten free cookies as sources of protein and fat but I can't do that anymore and I don't think I replaced those snacks with anything except fruit. Great plan for losing weight, not so great for milk production. We bought me whole milk (I usually use skim) and cheese to see if that makes a difference. I'll keep you posted if this week's tally goes up. Here's the stats for last week:
Total Pumped: 278.75
Total Used: 252
Surplus: 26.75
Average Per Day: 39.82
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Our Week of Doctor's Appointments and Starting Solid Food
Yesterday we went for our follow up at the allergist. He was thrilled with how Little Man looks. His skin is perfectly clear and he spent the appointment checking out the doctor. He's a very curious little thing. We go back in a year and will do blood testing to see how severe the allergy is. The doctor was optimistic that Little Man would grow out of his egg allergy at least because apparently babies that whose main reaction is their skin are more likely to grow out of it. So that's good news.
We also started solid food this week since he's officially 6 months old and we got the all clear from the pediatrician. We've given him rice cereal twice now. He did really well with the spoon and seemed to like it. But, last night he woke up around 4:30am when he usually sleeps straight through to 7am (and has for a good two months). We're not sure if he had a stomach ache from the cereal or if he's teething. I think teething is more likely and I do feel some bumps on his gums. Now, at 6am, he's back in the crib asleep. Of course, we're visiting the in-laws today so it's a great day for all of us to be exhausted!
We also started solid food this week since he's officially 6 months old and we got the all clear from the pediatrician. We've given him rice cereal twice now. He did really well with the spoon and seemed to like it. But, last night he woke up around 4:30am when he usually sleeps straight through to 7am (and has for a good two months). We're not sure if he had a stomach ache from the cereal or if he's teething. I think teething is more likely and I do feel some bumps on his gums. Now, at 6am, he's back in the crib asleep. Of course, we're visiting the in-laws today so it's a great day for all of us to be exhausted!
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Nut Allergy,
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Book Review: Womenomics
Part of exclusively pumping is finding things to keep me busy since I'm hooked up to the pump for over two hours everyday. My husband and I figured out that I've already pumped for the equivalent of 15 full days. That's a lot of time to fill and part of the reason I started this blog. I spend the time online, reading, or watching TV so thought I'd post about the book I just finished, Womenomics, by Claire Shipman and Katty Kay. The book's cover says "How to stop juggling and struggling and finally start living and working the way you really want." I was pretty skeptical of this but since I just went back to work after maternity leave, I was intrigued. I have to say it was better than I thought. I had already managed to get a more flexible schedule after having the baby and was allowed to work from home almost the entire first month I went back. Now I work from home one day a week permanently and have the flexibility to work from home other days if something comes up. I also have flexibility in my day itself so most days it's easy for me to take my laptop down to the Mother's Room at the office so I can pump. I consider myself very lucky. My only criticism of the book was that you really have to have reached a certain level in a professional career for their suggestions to work. A waitress, nurse, or teacher for example cannot negotiate for flexibility. Nor can most of us tell our boss or coworkers that we only check email twice a day. If my boss got an autoresponse from me that I only check email at 4pm when he needed something hours before that, he would not be pleased. But, I do think their general philosophy that the workplace is becoming more flexible and more about getting the work done then the time spent in the office is true. They also make the point that women need to give up the guilt about getting out of the office on time to spend time with their families and I completely agree. All in all, I'm not sure I learned anything new from this book but their general concept is a good one.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Have Crock Pot, Will Eat
When you have a new baby, are pumping, working, and feeding the family allergy free, the crock pot becomes your new best friend. Thank goodness I discovered the Crock Pot Lady's blog shortly after Little Man was born. She has tons of awesome, easy, gluten free recipes that allow us to put dinner in the crock pot in the morning and have it ready when we're ready. On days like today, I don't know what I would do without it. Today we're taking Little Man for his 6 month check up (6 month's already - I can hardly believe it!) and won't get home until close to his bed time. Plus, just a hunch, but I don't think he'll be his usual happy self after his appointment since he's getting a few shots. (Yes, we vaccinate. We feel the good outweighs the bad especially considering he's in daycare and therefore exposed to more. )
So today we made our very first roast in the crock pot. It's not one of Crock Pot Lady's recipes although she's taught me so much that now I can be a little more creative - not that a roast is creative. We prepped everything last night so all I needed to do in the morning was throw it all in. We added onions, carrots, and potatoes. My husband and I always laugh because people will say to me constantly "it's ashame you can't eat anything." My allergy free food is ten times better than what I used to eat before. If they only knew...
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free,
Nut Allergy,
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Betty Crocker Gluten Free Brownies
Since the Betty Crocker Gluten Free cookies were so good, I was really looking forward to making the GF brownies. They were really easy to put together. I again used the Ener-G egg replacer but the brownies call for two eggs whereas the cookies only needed one so I was replacing even more. I had to press the mix into the pan a little bit since it was really crumbly. We baked them for the time listed on the box but they were pretty much liquified and boiling so we left them in the oven for another 5 minutes. After that, they were still bubbling a lot so we let them cool for a while. Once they were cool, they became more like a cookie consistency. They taste good but they're really hard and not brownie-like. I'm not sure if it's the egg replacer or something else. I'm going to try the cake mixes next once I find a safe frosting. Hopefully those don't get as dried out.
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free,
Nut Allergy
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 43
Ounces Used: 37
Surplus: 6
I had to pump an extra fifteen minutes during my morning session at work today and I still got less than I usually do that time of day. So, after work I went to Babies R Us and bought new membranes (the little white things) for all of my pieces. I have 3 sets of pump parts so fortunately the membranes come in a pack of 6. It seems to have made a difference because I got more at my nighttime pump than I've gotten in probably a month. Hopefully I stay up around 43.
Ounces Used: 37
Surplus: 6
I had to pump an extra fifteen minutes during my morning session at work today and I still got less than I usually do that time of day. So, after work I went to Babies R Us and bought new membranes (the little white things) for all of my pieces. I have 3 sets of pump parts so fortunately the membranes come in a pack of 6. It seems to have made a difference because I got more at my nighttime pump than I've gotten in probably a month. Hopefully I stay up around 43.
Today's Tally
Well, really yesterday and the day before.
7/6 Ounces Pumped: 40.5
7/7 Ounces Pumped: 41.25
7/6 Ounces Used: 36
7/7 Ounces Used: 37
2 day Surplus: 8.75
I panicked a little last night because the pump was making a strange noise and didn't seem to have it's normal suction. I checked the tubing and made sure everything was plugged in but it was still having issues. After I pumped for 35 minutes and stopped it, I noticed that the white membrane wasn't all the way in on one of the yellow pieces so I fixed that and pumped a little longer. At least the pump wasn't dying! Now I'm going to replace all the white membranes. I haven't done it in a while and I'm wondering if that's why my supply has been down.
7/6 Ounces Pumped: 40.5
7/7 Ounces Pumped: 41.25
7/6 Ounces Used: 36
7/7 Ounces Used: 37
2 day Surplus: 8.75
I panicked a little last night because the pump was making a strange noise and didn't seem to have it's normal suction. I checked the tubing and made sure everything was plugged in but it was still having issues. After I pumped for 35 minutes and stopped it, I noticed that the white membrane wasn't all the way in on one of the yellow pieces so I fixed that and pumped a little longer. At least the pump wasn't dying! Now I'm going to replace all the white membranes. I haven't done it in a while and I'm wondering if that's why my supply has been down.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Betty Crocker Gluten Free! About time...
So today I say a big hooray for General Mills. Not only did they change their Chex recipes to make them gluten free, they now have a line of Betty Crocker gluten free cookie and cake mixes. Since I have a baby and can't go to 10 different stores, I sent my mom on a hunt for these things. Six supermarkets later, she found them at Pathmark. We were very excited. She bought me all four so I have the Yellow Cake, Devil's Food Cake, Brownies, and Chocolate Chip Cookies. All gluten free. I still can't believe it.
I decided to try the cookies first. All you need to add is butter, water, and an egg (or in my case egg replacer), mix it together, and bake. Like a gluten-full cake mix! I was a little concerned while I was combining the ingredients because like most gluten free recipes, it was not turning into dough. I'm sure the egg replacer wasn't helping. I decided the only way it was going to work was if I just used my hands. Worked like a charm. I then used my hands to roll
the dough into small balls and put them on the cookie sheet. I think I ended up with about 30 cookies. And man, they are good. Definitely the best gluten free chocolate chip cookies by far. I can't wait to make the rest of the Betty Crocker gluten free mixes. Too bad gluten free doesn't mean calorie free. I wonder how much more breastmilk I would need to pump to burn the calories in a cupcake...?
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free,
Nut Allergy
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 40
Ounces Used: 35
Surplus: 5
Not to be greedy, but I want my 43 ounces a day back.
Ounces Used: 35
Surplus: 5
Not to be greedy, but I want my 43 ounces a day back.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 41
Ounces Used: 35
Surplus: 6
I ate a ton today (July 4th picnic and then barbecue) so I was hoping my pigging out would translate into a lot of milk. That didn't pan out. Oh well, still had 6 ounces left over.
Ounces Used: 35
Surplus: 6
I ate a ton today (July 4th picnic and then barbecue) so I was hoping my pigging out would translate into a lot of milk. That didn't pan out. Oh well, still had 6 ounces left over.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 40.75
Ounces Used: 35
Surplus: 5.75
I moved my mid-morning pump up an hour because we had a friend coming over. I think it hurt my supply a little bit.
Ounces Used: 35
Surplus: 5.75
I moved my mid-morning pump up an hour because we had a friend coming over. I think it hurt my supply a little bit.
Exclusively Pumping - The Ultimate Weight Loss Plan??
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 42.25
Ounces Used: 36.5
Surplus: 5.75
Funny how obsessed you become with ounces when you're exclusively pumping. Just figured out that I've pumped 5,890 ounces since Little Man was born and he's used 5,049. That means he's had 315 pounds of milk. Wow.
Ounces Used: 36.5
Surplus: 5.75
Funny how obsessed you become with ounces when you're exclusively pumping. Just figured out that I've pumped 5,890 ounces since Little Man was born and he's used 5,049. That means he's had 315 pounds of milk. Wow.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 42.25
Ounces Used: 36
Surplus: 6.25
Today was a rough pumping day. I usually get about 8.5oz at my late morning pump and I was only at about 6.5 after my usual 25 minutes. I kept going for another 15 minutes and only got to 8 total. Then, when I pumped again in the afternoon, I noticed that I had a spot that really hurt so I kept pushing on it and ended up getting about 9.5 but I did go about 5 minutes longer than usual. All said and done, I got close to my usual amount but spent way too much time pumping. Hopefully tomorrow will be clog free.
Ounces Used: 36
Surplus: 6.25
Today was a rough pumping day. I usually get about 8.5oz at my late morning pump and I was only at about 6.5 after my usual 25 minutes. I kept going for another 15 minutes and only got to 8 total. Then, when I pumped again in the afternoon, I noticed that I had a spot that really hurt so I kept pushing on it and ended up getting about 9.5 but I did go about 5 minutes longer than usual. All said and done, I got close to my usual amount but spent way too much time pumping. Hopefully tomorrow will be clog free.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 39.75
Ounces Used: 35.25
Surplus: 4.5
Slow day. About 3 ounces less than usual. Not sure what's going on.
Ounces Used: 35.25
Surplus: 4.5
Slow day. About 3 ounces less than usual. Not sure what's going on.
Making Baby Food
Little Man is almost six months old. We've been holding off on starting solid food until he's officially six months and we also want to see what both his pediatrician and the allergist say at appointments we have with both in a few weeks. But that means we need to start getting ready. I always knew I wanted to make my own baby food but now that we know he has allergies, I'm even more motivated to do it. I'm not against jarred food and will always have some on hand, but I make all my own food and use very little processed food so why should Little Man get anything less. Anyway, I figured I should probably dig out our food processor (it's an attachment for our blender and had never been used so no risk of cross contamination) to see if it would work. I boiled a bunch of carrots and then put them in the food processor. Well, it took about a half hour to get them pureed and that included me mashing chunks by hand. No good. We definitely need a new food processor if we're going to do this. The end results came out pretty good but it took way too long. I'm thinking it should take about 30 seconds to puree about a cup of carrots. Now I need to go hunt for a decent food processor.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 41
Ounces Used: 36.5
Surplus: 4.5
My timing was a little off today and I had another clog this morning so it's not surprising that I'm down a little bit. Hopefully tomorrow will come back up.
Ounces Used: 36.5
Surplus: 4.5
My timing was a little off today and I had another clog this morning so it's not surprising that I'm down a little bit. Hopefully tomorrow will come back up.
Summer Summer Summer Time
That's my ode to Will Smith. Today we took little man to the pool for the first time. The water was way too cold for a baby but it was nice to get outside and he was fascinated with all the people and noises. And of course he looked adorable in his swim gear. I, on the other hand, was pretty uncomfortable in my swim suit by the end of the day since I pushed my afternoon pump back an hour so we could be out longer. Worth it though.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Yum, Pizza
Follow Up 6/28 - I sent feedback to Rustic Crust about how great their crust was and they let me know that coupons are available on facebook and twitter or at their website http://www.rusticcrust.com/ if you want to try it out. For those who can eat gluten, they have a full line of "regular" crusts too - no idea what they're like but thought I'd throw it out there.
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free,
Nut Allergy
Friday, June 26, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 42.5
Ounces Used: 35.5
Surplus: 7
I had a clog this morning that I had to massage out so I was down about 2 ounces first thing in the morning. Seems my body made up for it later in the day which is good news. I'm already back up to 35 ounces of allergen free milk in the freezer plus a decent amount in the fridge.
Ounces Used: 35.5
Surplus: 7
I had a clog this morning that I had to massage out so I was down about 2 ounces first thing in the morning. Seems my body made up for it later in the day which is good news. I'm already back up to 35 ounces of allergen free milk in the freezer plus a decent amount in the fridge.
What do you mean you won't use the EpiPen!?
My husband took little man to daycare this morning like he has pretty much everyday for the past two months. We've been really happy with the daycare we chose and the women who care for him in the infant room are really like having three extra grandma's. But, this morning one of them told my husband that they had first aid training last night and there were concerns about epi pens doing damage to a babies heart and so they may be giving it back to us. What!?!? An allergic reaction can do serious damage too!! So we called the owner to get more information and thankfully, the other woman had it wrong. Apparently three kids have been diagnosed with allergies just this week in addition to a few others that they already knew about and they're running into a situation where each family has different expectations. They want to standardize it and plan to administer benedryl first, then call 911 and give the epi pen if absolutely necessary, and also call the parents. We were fine with that but, man, did they have us worried for a few minutes. I'm sure this was just the first of many times that we will need to be his advocate to make sure that he's as safe as possible.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 42.75
Ounces Used: 36
Surplus: 6.75
Little man seems to be taking a little less milk since we went nut and egg free. I wonder if it's because he doesn't spit up constantly anymore. Another positive development.
Ounces Used: 36
Surplus: 6.75
Little man seems to be taking a little less milk since we went nut and egg free. I wonder if it's because he doesn't spit up constantly anymore. Another positive development.
A Little Taste of....Breast Milk
Yes, I finally tasted it. I know a lot of mom's taste their breastmilk to see if it's still good or to assess temperature or just out of sheer curiosity. I had no desire to taste it and managed to go over 5 months without doing it. But today I had no choice. You see, my husband, who is usually exceptionally good about safeguarding the milk, accidentally left 9 ounces sitting out all day yesterday. I came home from work to find my 6am milk still on the counter at 5pm. Now, I'm pretty liberal with my milk standards and use the 10 hour rule for how long it can sit out at average temperatures. But, 6am to 5pm is 11 hours not to mention that the house was pretty hot yesterday. So, needless to say, I was not pleased to find this milk out just when I've begun rebuilding my freezer stash with allergy free milk. To cut to the chase, we smelled it yesterday and thought it was probably fine but when I went to make little man's bottles for daycare tomorrow it smelled a little off. My choices were to risk giving him bad milk, throw it out, or taste it and make sure it was ok. Like I said, I had no choice but to taste it. And you know what, it didn't taste bad at all. No wonder the kid loves it so much. Guess I could have tried it months ago!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunbutter is Squishy
Today I made my first replacement version of PB&J. I used my gluten free bread that I made with egg substitute, sunbutter, and strawberry preserves. When I opened it up at work, it had squished out everywhere and the bread looked a little like soggy dense pound cake. But, it was actually really good. Messy, but good.
Egg Allergy,
Food Allergies,
Gluten Free,
Nut Allergy
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 42.5
Ounces Used: 36
Surplus: 6.5
Biggest day I've had in over a week. I think I wasn't eating enough when I knew Little Man had an allergy but didn't know what it was. Now I know what I can eat. Breastfeeding makes you unbelievably hungry. And thirsty. As soon as I turn that pump on, I want to chug an entire bottle of water. Nice little evolutionary feature there.
Ounces Used: 36
Surplus: 6.5
Biggest day I've had in over a week. I think I wasn't eating enough when I knew Little Man had an allergy but didn't know what it was. Now I know what I can eat. Breastfeeding makes you unbelievably hungry. And thirsty. As soon as I turn that pump on, I want to chug an entire bottle of water. Nice little evolutionary feature there.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today's Tally
Ounces Pumped: 41.75
Ounces Used: 37
Surplus: 4.75
With today's milk, my freezer stash is up to 21 oz. I did call a Milk Bank in Ohio today to find out about donating my milk but the person I need to speak to is on vacation. I wish there was somewhere local to donate it but unfortunately, there isn't. I'm coming to terms with having to part with all that extra milk since my little man has almost completely clear skin in just a few days of being allergen free and is even happier than before. I don't think I've ever seen a baby who smiles quite this much.
Ounces Used: 37
Surplus: 4.75
With today's milk, my freezer stash is up to 21 oz. I did call a Milk Bank in Ohio today to find out about donating my milk but the person I need to speak to is on vacation. I wish there was somewhere local to donate it but unfortunately, there isn't. I'm coming to terms with having to part with all that extra milk since my little man has almost completely clear skin in just a few days of being allergen free and is even happier than before. I don't think I've ever seen a baby who smiles quite this much.
Finding a New Bread
I don't find the gluten free diet to be all that challenging. Most things can be substituted and taste as good (or better) than their gluten equivalent. That is not the case, however, with bread. It took me a long time to find a decent bread that I didn't have to bake myself. For the past year, I've been eating a few different kinds of bread from a company called the Grainless Baker. Their breads and other products are fantastic. But, they have eggs in them so I won't be eating them anymore. That left me in search of a new bread. Before I discovered the Grainless Baker, I used Whole Foods and Gluten Free Pantry's sandwich bread mixes which are pretty good. These also call for eggs in the recipes. I made one today using Ener-G egg replacer and it came out really well. I still hate making bread though. I feel like it takes half the day between putting the ingredients together, letting it rise, and baking it. But, at least I have an option. Here's a picture of the final product. I had a piece with sunbutter (since peanut butter is now a banned substance). Not the best snack in the world, but it'll do.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Today's Tally
When you're an Exclusive Pumper (EPer) you get a little obsessed with numbers. The number of times you pump each day (4 right now for me), how long each pump is (2x's at 26 mins, 2x's at 36 mins), the number of ounces you pump, and of course, the number of ounces the baby drinks. So, one of the things I want to do each day is keep a tally of how many ounces I pumped versus how many Little Man took. Here's todays:
Ounces pumped: 41.5
Ounces used: 34
Surplus: 7.5
This is actually low for Little Man. He's usually around 37 ounces each day (roughly 7 oz five times a day). Fine by me. That's 7.5 ounces to add to my new freezer stash.
Ounces pumped: 41.5
Ounces used: 34
Surplus: 7.5
This is actually low for Little Man. He's usually around 37 ounces each day (roughly 7 oz five times a day). Fine by me. That's 7.5 ounces to add to my new freezer stash.
How I Got Here
I'm new to blogging. I've followed a few other blogs for a little while now but I'm new to having one myself. But, the new life I find myself in over the past six months needs to be documented. Let me explain. About two years ago, I finally figured out that living a gluten free lifestyle is the only way for me to feel human. It took my entire life and about 73 different doctors (all of whom missed it) to figure this out. Fortunately, I met a man who put up with me when I sick and likes me even more now that I'm well. We've been married for three and a half years. In January, we had our first child who we like to call Little Man. I planned to breastfeed him so I took the class, read the books, and learned as much as I could. I knew it would be challenging but I also knew it was the best thing for him. Well, I ended up being the woman in the hospital with two lactation consultants on either side of me and a crying hungry baby. I left the hospital with lots of instructions and techniques and most of all, pain. By a week in, I had decided the breastfeeding was more painful than labor and went to see another lactation consultant after I had spent 24 hours pretty much pumping around the clock. The LC recommended pumping a few times a day and nursing the rest. I gave this a try but the result was the same. So, when Little Man was 9 days old, we turned to exclusively pumping. I called the LC and she gave me some terrific advice to get started but beyond that, there isn't a lot of information out there about pumping so I was kind of winging it. Fortunately, it has gone very well and Little Man has still not had anything other than my milk - not even a drop of formula. Of course, women still ask me if I'm going to try nursing again. My answer is no, never. For me, pumping is pain free (most of the time), gives me lots of flexibility despite needing to pump mulitple times a day, allows my husband to enjoy feeding our son, and gives me stock pile of milk in the freezer. Not to mention that I would have been pumping at work anyway. Pumping works very well for us.
Now, about that freezer stash. My little man is a growing machine. By his first doctor appointment, he was supposed to be back to his birth weight and he had gained double what he needed. He's been in the 90th percentile for height and weight ever since. Unfortunately, he also had really bad skin in the form of ezcema and occasional rashes. At his 4 month check up, the doctor suggested he may have a milk allergy and recommended that I eliminate dairy. I did that but also added more nuts to make up the protein and about a week and a half into this no dairy, extra nut diet, he was completely covered in a rash. Since I'm already gluten free and we have a nephew with severe food allergies, we decided to go ahead and get him tested. Well, sure enough, he tested positive for nuts and eggs (but not dairy). We are now three days into me not eating these and his skin is clear and he's spitting up much less (can't even explain how much spit up we were dealing with). This means that I have 700 ounces of breastmilk in my freezers (yes, freezers, we had to buy a second one), that he can't have because it's tainted with nuts and eggs. My goal this week is to find a way to donate it. I'm thrilled that he's healthy now but I'm having trouble accepting that I have to get rid of all that milk! So, long story short, I now find myself as a gluten, nut, and egg free working mom who is exclusively pumping for a very happy little man. Join me as I figure out how to navigate this new world I live in.
Now, about that freezer stash. My little man is a growing machine. By his first doctor appointment, he was supposed to be back to his birth weight and he had gained double what he needed. He's been in the 90th percentile for height and weight ever since. Unfortunately, he also had really bad skin in the form of ezcema and occasional rashes. At his 4 month check up, the doctor suggested he may have a milk allergy and recommended that I eliminate dairy. I did that but also added more nuts to make up the protein and about a week and a half into this no dairy, extra nut diet, he was completely covered in a rash. Since I'm already gluten free and we have a nephew with severe food allergies, we decided to go ahead and get him tested. Well, sure enough, he tested positive for nuts and eggs (but not dairy). We are now three days into me not eating these and his skin is clear and he's spitting up much less (can't even explain how much spit up we were dealing with). This means that I have 700 ounces of breastmilk in my freezers (yes, freezers, we had to buy a second one), that he can't have because it's tainted with nuts and eggs. My goal this week is to find a way to donate it. I'm thrilled that he's healthy now but I'm having trouble accepting that I have to get rid of all that milk! So, long story short, I now find myself as a gluten, nut, and egg free working mom who is exclusively pumping for a very happy little man. Join me as I figure out how to navigate this new world I live in.
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