Like most new moms, I worried about being able to lose the baby weight. I gained about 40 pounds during my pregnancy and have never been one to lose weight easily. Nonetheless, I find myself today weighing 4 pounds less than I did when I got pregnant. I do eat well (kind of have to given my food situation) and we go for a lot of walks as a family but I'm not doing any hard core working out right now. So, I have to attribute a lot of it to pumping. Breastfeeding is known to help you lose the baby weight but I have to think that since I pump even more than he takes, that I'm burning more calories than I would breastfeeding the old fashioned way. Most days I have a 6-8oz surplus and if it's true that you burn 20 calories per ounce of breastmilk than I'm looking at an extra 120-160 more calories. Now if I could only shrink my tummy as fast as the rest of me....
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